Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Oman And The Middle East Stratum - 1183 Words

Over the past thousand years, Oman has occupied a key strategic space in the Middle East stratum. With its vast mountain ranges, desert terrain, and steep cliffs along the coast, Oman over the years has proven to be very difficult to invade. This has allowed Oman to repel the majority of attacks from foreign militaries and maintain their sovereignty. The Southern and Eastern coastline of the country represents the key that makes Oman so important to the strength of the Middle East. Oman is a major piece to the peace in the Middle East. Oman lies in the southeast corner of the Arabian Peninsula right on the Tropic of Cancer latitude line (International, 2011). Yemen, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates border Oman from the southeast, west, and the north. Oman also claims many islands in the Arabian Sea and in the Strait of Hormuz off Oman’s northern tip. Similar to its surrounding nations, Oman has a mountain range that spans the country. The Hajar mountain range begins at the north-west tip and extends down its western border to the southwest, near Yemen (International, 2011). The Omanis compare The Hajar to a human backbone, for it forms a great arc much like the human skeleton. The Interior of Oman is mostly sand dunes, rocks, and gravel, which is very similar to the entire Middle East region (International, 2011). Oman’s coastline stretches 1,700 km from North to South. Low hills and wastelands with little vegetation is what fill these coastlinesShow MoreRelatedStrategic Piece Of Middle East Peace1189 Words   |  5 PagesStrategic Piece to Middle East Peace Over the past thousand years, Oman has occupied a key strategic space in the Middle East stratum. With its vast mountain ranges, desert terrain, and steep cliffs along the coast, Oman over the years has proven to be very difficult to invade. This has allowed Oman to repel the majority of attacks from foreign militaries and maintain their sovereignty. The Southern and Eastern coastline of the country represents the key that makes Oman so important to the strengthRead MoreMarket Analysis of Jeans Industry in Surat17928 Words   |  72 Pagesthe organized Retail sector in India. The growth pattern in organized retailing and in the consumption made by the Indian population will follow a rising graph helping the newer businessmen to enter the India Retail Industry. In India the vast middle class and its almost untapped retail industry are the key attractive forces for global retail giants wanting to enter into newer markets, which in turn will help the India Retail Industry to grow faster. Indian retail is expected to grow 25 per cent

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